Environmental Policy

Nomadic Tribe is committed to responsible and environmentally sustainable tourism, following the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN, targeting more specifically Goal 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”.

Nomadic Tribe upholds that Indigenous Peoples manage a third of global forests and they are the leading stewards of our environment. Their role is fundamental in the global curbing of gas emissions and they protect around 80% of the world’s biodiversity, however they are the first victims of climate change. Therefore it is imperative for Nomadic Tribe to act on climate change and reduce the carbon emissions generated by our company and our travellers to further protect Indigenous Peoples, their Ecosystems and Traditional Knowledge.

Our commitment

Our travels are designed to respect the values of responsible tourism and sustainable development. We commit to become a carbon neutral Company, fighting against climate change. We intend to reduce our emissions through ecological strategies, maintaining our carbon neutrality by reducing and seeking less carbon-intensive solutions.

Responsibility and partnerships

We partner with organizations that support and follow our values and we commit to communicate our environmental objectives to all our external stakeholders. We endorse the work of all organizations working in environmental protection and sustainable development. We joined Tourism Declares in 2020 along with other businesses, organisations and individuals in the tourism sector, with the intent to come together to prevent climate change.

Policy aims / “Ways to do it”

We endeavour to monitor our progress and review all our environmental performances annually, keeping our environmental policy up to date. We agree to commit to environmental principles and to bring improvements along the way, incorporating environmental considerations into business decisions. We will compensate the emissions created by our travellers through ‘offsets’ tangible projects carried out by our Foundation. The Environmental preservation is not only one of the main pursuits of our Foundation, but also one of the fundamental pillars of its Sustainable Business Model.

Criteria for the selection of our tour operators

At Nomadic Tribe we expect similar environmental standards from all our tour operators and we intend to implement responsible business practices. In every destination we visit our aim is to work towards the preservation of the natural environment and reduce our negative impact caused by our tours. To do this, we choose to work with partners who strive to offer lower-impact in destination travel, locally owned and run accommodation and prefer to use restaurants where the ingredients have been sourced locally, to reduce the food miles and overall carbon impact.


We believe in the power of education; we are committed to raising awareness about climate change and sustainability to further open discussions on the topic, generating purposeful critical thinking and supporting sustainable environmental actions. We intend to use our platforms to dispense honest, unfiltered and authentic information on waste management, water and energy consumption, local economy support and wildlife preservation. We commit to educate our travellers, tour operators, stakeholders and ourselves on environmental matters. Ultimately, at Nomadic Tribe we pledge to strive for Environmental Justice and Decolonized Conservation.